Romeu Moura
Endless conversation‚ — with friends, compilers‚ — on art, Symmathesy, methods, absurdism, dialectic, paradigm jumps, serendipity.
Previous events
NewCrafts Paris 2024
Untangling Consequences: Causality Patterns for Effective Multi-Context Design
The more you design your system into multiple Bounded Contexts, involving multiple teams, the more you’re going to face excessive coupling due to causality effects. Actions in one context often trigger consequences in others, leading to intricate dependencies, such as when updating purchase order statuses, modifying UI user journey kinematics, or undoing operations across multiple contexts.
This talk introduces unpublished modeling patterns designed to elegantly handle causality between Bounded Contexts while minimizing coupling. If your system is or is becoming modular, these patterns will prove valuable to preserve your teams' autonomy!
NewCrafts Paris 2019
Bourdieu's Social theory and our work in tech
We know psychological safety is necessary for any working team to work But how achievable is it? I posit that due to our current blind spots our visions on that are naïve. Let's dig together on why! tis time for some Sociological Theory, let's Vulgarise Bourdieu! Buckle up for a keynote on
Symbolic Violence.
Social/Corporeal Hexis.
Cultural Capital.
Interactions of those 3 and "Agile" Methods.
NewCrafts Paris 2018
Big corps as little panopticons. Agile coaches as colonial imperialists.
Without any big conspiracy (nor any bad person on top) We have created dysfunctional corporate cultures where waste reins, sadness is rampant and the majority has abandoned hopes of changing.
It is a system where every participant is oppressed and also complicit in their oppression.
This talk aims to help you see the system and in seing it arm yourself to fight it.
This talk also aims to convince you that you can, in fact, make a difference.
NewCrafts Paris 2017
Reading code under the influence of one's emotions
We talk a lot about writing "beautiful" code but never about reading the "ugly" one!
Yet we read more than we write and "ugly" is more frequent than "beautiful"!
Suffer less! Arm yourself to improve your skill at reading code,
to fight the tendency to needless despise your fellow Devs
to make sense out of the ball of mud while under the influence of your emotions.
NewCrafts Paris 2017
Kebab kata: Fight the system making your code sad!
Try to create a code you will not consider "legacy".
I'll play the role of your client and use around 20 techniques to make you fail.
You will fail.
We'll then discuss what techniques I have used, how they happen in real life, how to fight them in your project.
All languages welcome. Bring your own laptop with your environment. We'll split into small teams.
NewCrafts Paris 2016
Property-based testing (& domain invariants) for the rest of us
Use Property-based tests, on your legacy codebase, to reduce test-debt, create smaller and fewer tests that test more, are more readable and better document your problem.